
First FABRI plant in Rhineland-Palatinate — Hilgers GmbH & Co KG


With Hilgers GmbH & Co KG from Daun in the Vulkaneifel region, the FABRI Group is expanding to include an established and successful sanitary, heating and air-conditioning company from Rhineland-Palatinate. The purchase contract was notarized in Cologne on Monday, July 17, 2023.

“We are pleased to announce the strengthening of environmentally oriented heating systems and complete bathrooms and warmly welcome Hilgers and its employees to the FABRI Group,” says Markus Zübert, CEO of FABRI, “With this acquisition, we have once again come a step closer to our medium-term orientation — FABRI wants to be represented in all federal states. ”

“With FABRI, I have found the perfect partner for the future of my business,” explains managing director Dieter Hilgers. “Together, we can set the course for a secure future for our employees and customers. ”

Dieter Hilgers will remain with the company as managing director. In the coming months, with the support of FABRI, he will look for a suitable successor and incorporate them into operational management. Daniel Lörcks, operational interface of the FABRI Group, is very confident: “The technical expertise of Hilgers and the geographical proximity to some of our companies also gives us the opportunity to carry out comprehensive projects with several FABRI companies. ”

Hilgers GmbH & Co KG dates back to 1869 and is a fourth-generation family business that specializes in climate energy concepts and wellness bathrooms. Customers are served nationwide within a radius of around 100 km from the company headquarters — they operate as far as Luxembourg. Together with the management, 18 motivated employees form a well-coordinated team. Great emphasis has always been placed on good education and training as well as an appreciative and team-oriented working environment.