
FABRI group meeting in Würzburg: A resounding success

27.04. - 29.04.2023

At the end of April, the time had come: All managing directors of FABRI companies were invited to the annual FABRI group meeting in Würzburg. In a relaxed atmosphere and during professional exchange, everyone was able to get to know each other for the first time.

An essential part of FABRI's culture is open and trusting exchange with one another. Every company has certain procedures that they have perfected for themselves. Within the group, entrepreneurs can share tips and find suggestions for their own business. In this way, each individual benefits from the Group's strengths.

It all bagan with the Franconian "Schoppen" - and quite classically for Würzburg - on the Main Bridge. “I was really looking forward to this day,” Markus Zübert, CEO of FABRI, began his welcome speech. “With currently six great companies, we have grown into a real group within two years — and one day FABRI will fill the entire Main Bridge.”

The next day, the focus was on the mutual exchange of experiences. The managing directors reported on their companies, operational challenges and their solutions. Topics such as digitization, lack of skilled workers, etc. were also brought to the table and discussed in a complex way by Daniel Lörcks, who provides technical support to FABRI companies.

Before it went on to the second culinary round, a guided tour of the city with Würzburg night watchman Schorsch was on the agenda. In this way, the capital of Franconia could be learned and loved in a relaxed and fun way.

The general “goodbye” the next morning was followed by positive feedback from all corners. Even though it is possible to exchange ideas within the group at any time, a large group meeting provides many exciting and important moments of inspiration for every single entrepreneur. We are already looking forward to the next reunion in spring 2024.

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