
FABRI acquires Eckhart Lampe GmbH & Co. KG


With the acquisition of Eckhart Lampe GmbH & Co. KG in Neumünster, the FABRI Group is expanding into northern Germany. One of the two managing directors of the heating, air conditioning and ventilation company, Helmut Lucka, will retire in the course of next year. "Managing Director Olaf David will maintain his position in this profitable company."

“We were looking for a good solution to successfully continue our business with a smaller management team. I am delighted to be able to shape the future together with FABRI,” says David.

Jochen Waag, CEO of FABRI AG: “A company as well-positioned as Eckhart Lampe is a great addition to the FABRI Group — both operationally and personally. We are really looking forward to the next few years with Mr. David and wish Mr. Lucka all the best. ”

The company Eckhart Lampe GmbH & Co. KG was taken over in 2009 by previous shareholders Helmut Lucka and Olaf David and has steadily expanded. The company is primarily open to public clients and commercial customers in the fields of heating, sanitation and ventilation.